vivo TOF 3D技术获赞誉 外媒好评如潮

    中关村在线消息: 6月27日,vivo在上海举办的MWCS上正式发布了“TOF 3D超感应技术”。这一技术通过利用传感器测量目标物距离和轮廓,实现了手机对高精度3D信息的采集和运算,具备有效深度信息高、工作距离远、结构布局灵活和应用场景丰富等多个优势。就当vivo发布TOF 3D技术后不久,国外媒体就针对vivo进行了热烈探讨,并且给出了一致好评。

vivo TOF 3D技术获赞誉 外媒好评如潮

The Verge

    vivo’s demonstration of its TOF 3D sensor at MWC Shanghai this week indicates that it will be among the first Android vendors to step up and compete with Apple’s Face ID directly.

    译:vivo在本周举行的MWC上海展会上展示了TOF 3D超感应技术传感器,成为与苹果公司的Face ID直接竞争的首批安卓厂商之一。


    During Shanghai's MWC in China, vivo introduced a new 3D sensing technology that isn't limited to the smartphone industry. It also appears to be closer to being integrated into a real-world product than we might think.


South China Morning Post

    Latest 3D sensing technology could open up new opportunities for facial, gesture and motion recognition. The Shenzhen-based company is one of the few Chinese smartphone brands that have been trying to come up with innovative solutions, rather than simply follow Apple and refine some of its designs, seeking an exclusive niche amid the country’s saturated domestic market.

   译:最新vivo TOF 3D超感应技术将为人脸、手势和动作识别创造新的机会。vivo这家位于深圳的公司,是少数几家努力开发创新解决方案、而非简单地追随苹果和改进某些设计元素的中国智能手机品牌之一,并积极地在已经饱和的中国国内市场寻求独特的商机。

Techno Buffalo

    vivo’s new Time of Flight (TOF) 3D Sensing Technology looks to have surpassed what the iPhone X has to offer.

    译:vivo的全新TOF 3D超感应技术似乎已经超越了iPhone X。

Gadget Match

    Up until now, Android smartphones have been relying on their front-facing camera to recognize faces; this could easily be the next step to a more immersive mobile experience.

    译:迄今为止,安卓智能手机的人脸识别功能一直依赖前置摄像头,而vivo TOF 3D超感应技术很可能是实现更加沉浸式移动体验的下一步。


    At the moment, we do not know when the first smartphone with the new technology will be released, but it looks very promising and once it hits the market it could be revolutionary.


Android Headlines

    These are just some examples that Vivo gave out, but by combining TOF 3D Sensing Technology with AI, there are a number of applications that can be achieved.

    译:在活动现场,vivo只是展示了几个技术演示的例子,但通过TOF 3D超感应技术和人工智能的结合,很有可能可以实现更多的实际应用。

Pocket Now

    The sky is the limit for all the incredible ways in which such a revolutionary new technology could change our interaction with handsets and other smart devices.


Gadgets Now

    The Chinese tech firm has showcased a new FaceID-like feature that is claimed to be better and more accurate than what we’ve seen with the iPhone X.

    译:这家中国的科技公司展示了一个类似于Face ID的新功能,据称比iPhone X体验更好、更精确。

Slash Gear

    vivo has some crazy ideas and it’s not afraid to use them. Given its recent streak, however, you might actually find this in next year’s Vivo flagship.



    Move over Face ID, Vivo has unveiled a new 3D sensing technology today, it is certainly possible that Vivo might have outdone Apple this time.

    译:vivo今天发布了一项超越Face ID的全新TOF 3D超感应技术。这一次,vivo肯定会超越苹果。


    Vivo introduces TOF 3D Sensing Technology for smartphones (like Face ID, but more so)

    译:vivo推出了面向智能手机的TOF 3D超感应技术(类似于Face ID,但更强大)。

Telecom Talk

    vivo Reveals TOF 3D Sensing Technology With Industry’s Highest Resolution 3D Sensing Claim.

    译:vivo发布TOF 3D超感应技术,声称是业内分辨率最高的3D传感技术

vivo TOF 3D技术获赞誉 外媒好评如潮


    纵观今年上半年vivo创新历程中我们不难发现,从全球首个屏幕指纹识别的vivo X20Plus,再到全面屏的vivo NEX,再到如今的TOF 3D技术,都可以看出vivo的进步与创新从未停止过。此次得到了国外媒体的广泛认可,也正式向全世界展示了我们中国制造的真正实力。


